The AVB3.0 all-electric bleed air valve controls high-temperature air maintaining a precise fuel-to-air ratio within the
turbine, facilitating optimal engine efficiency and meeting today’s stringent emission requirements. Each valve
incorporates a fail-safe spring configurable to fail open or fail close, depending upon the desired action. The AVB3.0
actuation mechanism has a unique torque shaft design, eliminating actuator side loading.
Function: All-electric linear actuated modulating butterfly bleed valve
Application: Multiple gas turbine applications
Physical size : 15.9” width, 22.9” high
Weight: 75 lbs
Flange type ANSI Class 300 lb flange
Line pressure: 450 psig max
Bleed air temperature: -40° F to +850°F (1150°F gas optional)
Ambient temperature: -40°F to 200°F
Control/feedback interf ces 4 to 20 ma
Logic I/O Interfaces 24 VDC
Flow: CV= 245
Operating time: <500 msec full stroke response (opening or closing)
Input voltage: 120 VDC nominal
Current: <1 A typical, 20 A max
Certifications: CSA, CE, ATEX
Released versions
- 5002892